Hey, Siri! Take down the Christmas decorations! Don't we wish it was that simple? But, in all honesty, I'm not ready to take down the trees and the lights and all the pretty that makes my home feel so magical and cozy during the holidays. This year, the holiday season seemed to fly by. Maybe because we had a "late" Thanksgiving, or maybe because there was so much packed into those 4 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have decided that I'm not going to push myself to get it all down before I go back to work on January 3rd. Why not savor it a little longer?

My home, at Christmas and otherwise, is filled with many of my mama's treasures that she collected or beautiful things that she gave to me. I also have a lot of both of my grandmothers in my home including vintage Shiny Brite ornaments and vintage dishes and glassware. I have a lot of Fitz & Floyd, including the Winter Holiday dishes that my mama started giving me at 15. She gave me a place setting every Christmas until I had 10 settings. So smart! I love the #Chinoiserie look, and I have decided that I am definitely a #grandmillenial!